Got questions?
Well, we’ve got answers

In most cases, we deliver within 3-4 weeks, however this can change rapidly due to the number of orders we have in queue at any given time. The best way to find out is to request a free, no obligation quote. When you received your quote, the timeframe will be included. If you’re looking for a quick time frame or have any other questions about the delivery of your new shed, give us a call at 254-401-0011. We’ll be more than happy to answer all of your FAQs and address any concerns you might have.

Yes, all our buildings are 100% pre-built and ready to use as soon as our professional installers place them on your property.

All buildings at Sunview Builders are professionally leveled. If you want it blocked up off the ground, please have concrete blocks on hand for the driver to use.

No. Thanks to their innovative construction, we’re able to set our portable buildings on concrete blocks, which saves you the cost of pouring a slab. We do recommend using solid concrete blocks as a base. A popular choice is the 8”x16”x4” (Lowes #4023) (Home Depot #559041.) For larger buildings we recommend the 16”x16”x4” pad blocks (Lowes #4063) (Home Depot #597775)

While site prep is not required for placement of your shed, any obstacles need to be removed prior to the driver arriving with your shed. This can include removal of fences or trimming of tree branches that may interfere with the placement of the building.

You will need 2’ more than the width of the building and about 7’ more than the length.

No, prior to the delivery of the building, it will be your responsibility to ensure all fences, trees, or other obstacles are removed and that the delivery location is accessible.

All buildings are 16″ OC have a live load of 125 pounds per square foot.

Yes! View our warranty page here for more details.

No. The customer needs to hook up any electrical connections to the building. This is something you will be responsible for.

Yes, we are more than willing to install our buildings on existing concrete slabs.

Can be built with either Metal or LP Wooden Siding.

We can build it on-site. Additional cost to build on-site.

Our drivers use a machine called a Mule to place buildings into your yard. This allows them to place them in spaces where a truck and trailer would not fit. View our delivery page here for more details

You Dream It, We Build It!

You Dream It, We Build It!